Who Am I?

Hi, my name is Freya (she/her). I go by freyacantsleep online. I am a transfem artist, game dev, and musician. I am also asexual and a lesbian. I am working on several projects at the moment, though some are very impulsive and don't have much work done. I'm currently attending community college with the hopes of transferring to a 4-year to finish getting my Master's. I love video games, I was raised by parents who grew up in the 80s and 90s with all the retro consoles that came with that, and have an appreciation for games old and new. My favorite game series are Mega Man, Kirby, Castlevania, and Final Fantasy. I also strongly enjoy quirky indie RPG Maker games, and those are often the games that inspire my work the most. As of me typing this, I am 19, going to be 20 this year.

I made this site to catalogue and organize most/all of my projects I'm working on, or at least the ones I post about. I honestly don't even really care if anyone sees this, it just helps to have this stuff organized online, and makes it easier to show my friends what I'm working on. I also think that it's generally just a good idea to have a personal website to showcase my work so it can serve as sort of a portfolio when applying for work or any other times I might need to showcase my projects.

I have been making games from a very early age. My dad had RPG Maker XP on our old computer, and I started using it before I was old enough to remember. I've always been interested in game development and design. In recent years, I've realised one of the main reasons I enjoy making games is because it allows me to utilize all of my favorite hobbies: drawing, writing, and making music. I don't have a lot of actual programming knowledge (at the moment) so I tend to use simpler game making software like RPG Maker and GB Studio, but I do want to learn how to program.

I draw a lot, it's usually based on characters or other things from one of my projects, but not always. I have a lot of my drawings compiled on this website, organized based on what projects they are a part of (if any). Any of my games I'm working on are also compiled here. Both of these are in the projects section of this site. I also run a blog on here. It's just a general blog, if I have anything on my mind I feel like sharing that wouldn't just fit in a Tweet or Bluesky post I'll likely post it there. I try to keep rants at a minimum though, so hopefully they are all relatively intelligible and not just spontaneous shower thoughts or an ADHD/autism-induced hyperfixation.

Here are links to where I'm active online/wish to be active:

That's pretty much everything. If I have something new to add, I will.
