
I've made a lot of fanart for a lot of different things/people. I've organized them alphabetically by what they are fanart of.

Fire Emblem

Lyn from Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade.

Fish (@abrokenhandgun on Twitter)

Fish's character Star.


The main crew from Hylics, based on their designs from the first game.

Ranma 1/2

Ranma, based on the cover of the first manga volume.
Ranma again. He/she's my favorite.
Ukyo Kuonji, my second favorite character.


Rustman's nurse character, as far as I know he's unnamed.
Rustman's character "Rag Maggie".

They Might Be Giants

Perspective practice with the Johns.


RIP Kurt Cobain, you would've loved Wii Sports.
