Carrie is a demon cleric and aspiring chef. It might seem odd for a demon to be a practicioner of white magic, but in this world demons are not inherently evil or dark. Carrie is very bright and perceptive, though she does have a tendency to daydream. Due to her clerical training, she is able to read certain ancient languages and runes. She also packs a punch, wielding a morning star flail (a flail with a large spiked ball chained to it), which she is very proficient with. She prefers to avoid using it if she can, as her specialty is healing magic. She also wears a hematite ring, which protects the wearer by absorbing negative energy.
Though quite spiritual in her beliefs, she is very down to earth, she uses logic and reasoning alongside her spiritual faiths when solving problems, or just going through day to day life. She is easily excited, and is generally a very pleasant person to be around, a genuine ray of sunshine. Carrie strives to always be kind and empathetic to everyone she meets, even when given a reason not to be; she believes it is always important to be the better person. She is very open-minded, and is always eager to hear someone out.
Before the events of the game, Carrie works at a restaurant, both as the delivery girl and partly as a chef if needed. She dreams of being a chef full-time and cooking her own meals one day, but that is seemingly out of reach at the moment. And yet, she gets her wish. During the game, she is both the chef and waitress of the Pub the game takes place in. The Pub is admittedly very short staffed, with her and Alice being the only people working there, but they manage. Carrie and Alice become good friends, often reminiscing about what their life was like before working here. Carrie is also fascinated by Alice's mysterious and secretive sister, Catherine. Whenever she delivers food to her, she always has plenty of questions to ask, to which Catherine's answers only spur on more questions. Because of her longer shifts, Carrie is caught daydreaming more often on the job. Though she finally has her dream job, she's still missing something. Carrie is actually somewhat of a hopeless romantic, often dreaming of falling madly in love with someone else, and running away with her to a far off land, but she has had no luck so far.