Tulips is a one-off comic I made in High School. I wanted to make it a full series, but I sadly lost motivation. I don't really think in "weekly episodic" format anyways so it probably would've fallen flat eventually, but maybe I'm just being pessimistic. It stars Connor and Cindy, two lovers, and would've also featured a third character, Seth. I never could decide on what they're supposed to be; First Connor was a bat, then a minotaur (also going to be in a comic about minotaurs that I never made), then a demon. People have also told me they looked like cats, so add that to the pile. The comic would've explored experiencing the loss of a loved one and the grieving process, the main conflict being that Cindy was turning into an angel rather than a demon, and eventually ascending into the heavens on her wings. Never really figured out any specifics for that but that's what I have. Even if it's only one piece of what was supposed to be a much larger project, I'm still pretty proud of this one comic.